Monday, May 4, 2015

Bonus Round: A Unique Woman!

This is a special bonus post!!!!  You see originally I had asked that members of my immediately family just write a post about themselves...and then I thought of the fun idea to write about each other.  Well my mother, being the diligent woman that she is, decided to write hers on time - and it was too good not to share!  So enjoy this bonus post the night before we head to Mexico!

Hello everyone, this is Shaida and you all know how I am related to Natasha

My two-year long vacation:

Well, the last two years have been quite eventful and somewhat unique. In the middle of 2012, Inayat and I decided to move to Nairobi (in Kenya, which is my country of birth) as he was starting up a business there. So, we sold our home, and transferred all our possessions, and settled into a large apartment in the City. It would be very difficult to explain the transition in life style and environment to someone else. Even though I was born and lived in Kenya (Mombasa) for many years, I had been in Canada for the past 40 years, so the adjustment was certainly an eye-opener.
Of course, some of the luxuries of house help were things I had forgotten since childhood, and I would say, spoilt me. Being an official “ housewife” also gave me time to enjoy the gym and personal trainers, and so on.
I also was very fortunate that I was able to spend a lot of time in the beginning with my uncle (Shamshu Cha-cha - my kids know him as Bapu #3) and family, who were very close to me growing up. He passed away two years ago, and I have fond recent memories of him. I was also able to enjoy time with my two cousins Anjum Asodia and Gulnar Kurji and their families (one lived in the same complex) who are also very close to me, but we had been apart physically for decades. So, Life in Kenya now feels like a great long reunion.

During my stay there, Inayat’s mum visited, Inayat’s Uncle Abdul stopped by on his jaunt which included climbing Mt. Kenya, and then Goa and now in India. Natasha and Mike also visited at the same time as my mother in law. During their trip, they did the safari and we all went together to a retreat up country in Kenya.

During the two years away from Canada, I also had the chance to travel a fair bit. I returned to Canada a few times, including for Inayat’s grandfather’s funeral in Toronto, nephew Omar’s graduation in Scottdale, Arizona, Nephew Kaleim’s wedding to Liz in Vancouver, long road trip through the Grand Canyon, Nevada and California with Inayat’s Uncle Sadru and Aunt Zeeba, spent 6 weeks with my lovely nieces Sophia and Courtney not to forget Salima and Spencer in Chicago. In addition, I travelled to Romania for Cousin Aly’s wedding to Cinziana and a few days with Inayat, Natasha, Sophia, Mike, Saskia and Shafique in Istanbul.

Just before my departure from Nairobi, I had the honour of being able to participate in the wedding of my nephew Kamal to Fatema, the first of the nephews and nieces from that side of the family.

So, now I am back in Canada, this time again in Vancouver, for yet another chapter in life.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Inayat's House of Piranis

This week’s post is brought to you by the Inayat Pirani household!  When we were younger we go to IHOP for breakfast and we'd always call it the Inayat's House of Piranis.  HA!

As most of you know this particular family is spread out all over the world – Nairobi, Vancouver, and Toronto.  In fact, this reunion is very special to us because the six of us haven’t all been in the same room at the same time since 2007.  So we did this post a little differently – I asked each person to write about someone else, and this is what we came up with!  Enjoy!  

On Sophia, by her mother Shaida

I have been blessed with two great daughters.

On this occasion, I have been asked to write an introduction to Sophia, that some of you will meet for the first time, soon.

You cannot miss recognizing Sophia as she is the one with numerous colourful "drawings" on her body. She has always taught me that one should never judge people based on the "drawings" even if as a parent, I used to be speechless every time she came home with a new one.

Sophia is precious to me, as she is extremely sincere and genuine, and would give up the shirt on her back for anyone in need. She is the same way with animals, and they are attracted to her immediately as they recognize those traits in her.

Niko, her ( and mine ) favourite lazy dog, is always miserable unless she is around, as well as the one-eyed cat she has living with her.

Sophia has a very quirky nature ( perhaps because she is a lefty? ), and you can expect her to have a different point of view. She looks at life with a unique eye glass and is extremely independent by nature. She also possesses an unbelievable amount of detailed information on just about any subject.

Please enjoy her company, engage her in some discussion and please, please ask her about her colourful "drawings'...

On Inayat, by his daughter Sophia

An introduction to my father.

For those of you that know him, you know very well that I have been given the most difficult task of all. How do you introduce the man that introduced the world to you? As his third wonder of the world I had an opportunity to experience my Dad in a neutral way; his favourite word to describe me has always been unique (I think that's just a nice way of saying strange) and he's taught me many a lesson and skill. I credit my ability to embrace who I am and who I am not to him, as well as most of my culinary skills (don't worry Momma, you're still my kitchen guru), my taste in music, love for books, travel, art and photography.

When we were all much younger he used to work late, and often. My mom would always leave a plate of dinner for him and it became routine to be awoken in the wee hours and propped up on the table to listen to the wondrous activities of an entrepreneur (I didn't understand a word! ) I would make funny faces and giggle at nothing and only years later truly appreciate those moments. I didn't get in trouble much as a kid, probably did a variety of silly things but my nickname isn't sneaky without one point I took to hiding in my closet so I could stay up late and would always struggle to wake up for school. To my fathers surprise and consequent confusion as to how to reprimand me, he found me late one night...reading. Like really, how do you get mad at your child for reading?!

My Dad taught me to approach each situation, sound and feeling with an open mind. Exposing all of us to different tastes (remember that plate of yummy 'chicken' bites? Perfect pop-in-your-mouth, snail size bites...) at a young age, making sure we always tasted everything at least once. After all, how would you know you don't like it if you've never tried?  I battled a young aversion to seafood (lord knows why, you'll be witness to me gorging on it come May) and the only way past him was to feign allergic reactions and binge at Lucky China's ice cream buffet, which at the time was well worth it.

One of my favourite things about my dad is his extensive taste in music and his excitement when he shares it with his children. My very first concert experience (earplugs and blanket in tow) was Eric Clapton; I remember sitting parked in the garage at home listening to The Cardigans (bass turned up!), reading the CD jacket to Alanis Morisettes' Jagged Little Pill album. Not to forget the time we scalped tickets to The Tragically Hip on a random Friday night (pretty sure the boys are still bummed they passed that up to order pizza and hang out at home).

You might not guess it by his stern exterior but my father is a spontaneous, funny and adventurous man. He knows everything about anything and only submits carefully thought-out tidbits of advice and opinion in conversation. If you catch him in a goofy mood (these are becoming all too frequent in his old age, if it becomes a nuisance just find one of us) you'll end up in stitches and tears.

Although none of you will be as lucky to have shared all that I have with my Dad, you certainly have an opportunity to create vibrant memories with a pretty wonderful soul.

Catch us poolside this May, drink and book in hand!

On Natasha, by her brother Ali

Hi, I am Ali, and have been asked to write a few words about my eldest sister, Natasha.

This was a difficult task, and I found myself making many attempts to write, as she is a perfectionist!
Being the last of 4 kids in the family, I was spoilt by many family members, especially my Nanima. I have been told that I was naughty as well and would always get into trouble. It was always Natasha, being the eldest that would rescue and defend me. Of course, most people were not aware that most of the time, it was my brother Kareem, who instigated matters, and got away as he is smart, and would leave me holding the bag .

Natasha turns 30 this March. When I look back, she has accomplished a lot in life. I remember that she competed at the Provincial level in both figure skating and synchronized swimming, earned her Gold medal in the Duke of Edinburgh Award program (this is a strenuous physical [outdoor survival ] community participation program ), has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, volunteered in Ghana, worked on a farm in Mexico, and travelled the world. She also graduated from University...So, for someone like me (4th child and all), it is overwhelming to think about how she was able to achieve all that and still find time to participate in so much more, including maintaining contact with family and friends all over. So, I am really proud of her, and as you all know, she has also managed to plan and coordinate this reunion.

One big lesson that Natasha has always taught me by example, is that I should always finish whatever I start.

Hey, I am only 24, so still have hope .

Look forward to seeing you all very soon.

On Ali by his brother Kareem

I have been tasked with introducing the youngest member of our family unit, my baby brother Ali.

This tall, dark and handsome man was only a wee child a few years ago. He's lived in a few cities, been to a few schools, worked a few jobs. Having recently returned to Vancouver from Nairobi, he spends his time creating gleaming dinnerware and hanging out with his other sister Sophia.

Ali was always a wild(er) child, perhaps more of a child than the rest of us ever were. He used to love playing with cars, going to the playground and 'skateboarding' down the driveway. Playing hide and go seek with him was frustrating at times, since he was such a small boy.  Now though, mister lean bean is the tallest of all 6 of us and can no longer hide in small spaces.

I was your typical brother; wedgies, dares,  pranks, etc. Ali was always a pleasure to mess around with; he used to want to stay up late with his older siblings all the time and I remember telling him that if he hid under my desk with his pinkies in his nose that I would hide him from didn't last long, with Mom locating him beneath my feet,  tears streaming down his face begging to stay up. One of my brothers talents, which still amazes me, is his song writing and poetry. He is a lyricist of the masses and for someone who you probably won't catch with his nose in a book, his is able to manipulate words in pleasurable ways.

Throughout all the agony he experienced with my brotherly love, Ali managed to still come out on top. You would be hard pressed to find another teenager that would wake up extra early for school every day to help a wheelchair bound student with the doors and prepare for class; he has a heart of gold and is always the first to offer help, give up his seat or deliver a genuine compliment.

You will find him, amongst the rest of us, returning to our (should-be) natural color and testing the limitations of our all-inclusive liver- err….wristbands.

On Shaida by her husband Inayat

I have now known Shaida for more than 50 years. We knew each other as kids, then met in our teens, and got married a few years later. We have certainly endured a lot together, grown together as a couple, then as parents. All through that, she has remained completely constant as far as nature, personality, compassion and caring for fellow human beings, for whom she is always in a giving mode. She really showcased this, during her time in Kenya, where one is surrounded with less fortunate, struggling people. She was at her best, when we visited the Excel School, during which, she basically adopted all 1,000 students as her own, and told the Principal to look after "her children", greeted everyone in Swahili, and was simply glowing with positive energy.

As you all know, there requires a huge balancing act when you have diverse and completely opposite personalities. In our case, 
Shaida has done the heavy lifting by ensuring that whatever chaos I left in the wake of my sometimes strong manner of dealing with people (mostly kids ), she smoothed things over and convinced kids and others alike, that I really meant something other than what they thought I had meant to say! So, without her constant involvement in rounding off things, I would be seriously lost...

Recently, at her insistence, and advise, I have started following her routines and joined a gym to while away the hours alone in Nairobi. The other thing I have been doing is getting pedicures once a month and you will all have a chance to see my cuticles:)

On Kareem, by his sister Natasha

It would be hard to describe Kareem in such little time and words, but I will do my best.  He is my younger brother, second in the family, and there are only 21 months difference between us.  I was told that when he was born I not only didn't want him to leave my sight but was very protective and loved him to bits.  I can believe that and so will you should you ever see any of our pictures together.  He was a very cute baby, and as he grew, he went through many phases.  Our family will remember all too well a very funny picture of Kareem in his thick glasses looking like Mohathma Ghandi!

Which leads me to my next point - Kareem is more wise than he even gives himself credit for.  He was always a big reader.  We'd find him in the closet hours after bedtime with a flash light reading his books.  He would finish a book cover to cover within a day. In school, he wouldn't study yet he would ace every exam with ease!  We always looked to him for definitions of words and he was never without an answer.....those answers however, combined with his wisdom and his sense of humour meant we, many of times, were taken for a ride!

Kareem always has a great sense of humour.  He had mastered the art of pranking and I never saw him more focused than when he was playing a good joke.  When we were younger we used to go to this restaurant called Armenian Kitchen.  Food was to die for, but there were these strange looking purple pickles that I was sure I wouldn't like.  So I simply didn't eat it.  So he ate every single one on the plate except for one, and each bite he was even more convincing that they tasted good.  So, after all that, I finally trusted him and tried it.  Of course, it was disgusting!

So with his wisdom, his charm, and his sense of humour - I've either wanted to beat him up or laugh.  Either way it was always fun to have him around.  These days he still has all those qualities.  Every time he comes to visit me at my office I always hear about it.  Oh he's so sweet, oh he's so funny, oh he's so handsome.  Haha.  Everyone always just falls in love with him and his unique character.

Looking forward to spending time with him in Mexico, along with my other siblings and parents.

This is Our Season!

This post is brought to you by the gregarious couple from Dallas, Texas!  Always a lot of fun, a blog post may not do them justice, but we can certainly try!  Look forward to some fun times with this couple!  

Good Afternoon fellow reunioners! We are the delegates representing Dallas and are thoroughly excited to be attending this excellent adventure. They say everything’s bigger in Texas but don’t expect us to stroll up in Stetsons and boots (though we might, just because) because we're not typical Texans.  

I’m Tony, Cousin (and sometimes Uncle) to Natasha connected via her father Inu’s father’s Sister (my mom).  As you can tell I live in Dallas, uptown, and love having my family around. Speaking of which my amazing kids Arman, Jahan and Jenha send their regrets for not being able to attend. Though sad you won’t get to meet them, you’ll save yourself the wrath of their cuteness (particularly Jehna, the princess/queen of the Ramji family).

Saadia, is joining me on this adventure as she has many other adventures in Texas and throughout the world. Saadia’s always a lot of fun, great conversationalist and does some really cool stuff in the Dallas area (purposely vague, see below for why…)

We avidly explore new frontiers and challenges and look forward to meeting all of you, dining, tanning and perhaps even getting into some good good times.

That’s a quick primer to us and we’ll leave it at that because if we tell you everything
A-     You probably won’t believe it all
B-     Takes all the fun out of meeting in person
C-     We are mysterious by nature.

For whatever time we are around, you can count on a good time following (though Natasha probably doesn’t need help with that)!

See you on the beach!
Tony & Saadia

West Coast Pirani Power

As the countdown continues we have an accelerated pace of blogs and today's comes to us from Monterey, California and features two exciting and interesting folks, without further adieu...

Hello to all from California. 
We are Zeeba and Sadru Pirani – Inayat and Shaida’s aunt and uncle (Natasha’s great aunt and uncle?). We’re looking forward to seeing everyone in Playa de Carmen and hoping to make some new friends.  It would’ve been great if Altaf and Dena could’ve joined us with our grandchildren Mariah and Dylan. But perhaps next time, they can accompany us with Ayaz and Afreen (who have given us no grandchildren).
Although the beaches in Playa de Carmen will be beautiful, we certainly don’t lack for spectacular natural beauty in California. The difference, of course, will be the company. We are very excited to be a part of this family reunion.

Pirani Pride

This post is brought to you by some fellow globetrotters!  Enjoy a bit of travel here and there, as well as some new additions to their family, we look forward to hearing a variety of stories from this couple!

Hello All,

We are Abdul and Izat Pirani, Natasha's father's Uncle and Aunt. We live in Toronto currently but are amidst something of a world tour having recently decided to spend more of our days traveling than working. Some people might refer to that as retirement, but really we are simply following our hearts and dreams.

Not traveling with us this time (though we do hope to have them join us next time) are our kids: Nadir and Hafiza.

Nadir is married to Aliya, and they have two beautiful children, Lylah and Khalid and lives and works in Toronto.

Hafiza, married to Ryan lives in Irvine, California with the most recent addition to my family, Zayn. 

This makes up our "pride" which include our 3 little lion cubs.

As we are currently traveling, this trip is very exciting as it allows us not only to put our feet up when the opportunity presents itself, but to also see some more of our world. We truly look forward to engaging with old friends, new family and everything else in between.

See you all soon,
Abdul & Izat.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Nana The Poet!

This post is brought to you by who what some of you might know as Aunty Nana!  Happy to say you will enjoy many a chat with her to talk about everything and everything as she has led a most interesting life thus far :) Happy to say that I have spent so many wonderful times with her as a friend, niece, and sister - so much fun, so much life, so much beauty!

For those that know me, you will not be surprised that I chose to stray from the norm,
And create this blog in a unique way – or, in a poetic form.

I am the youngest of five,
After 4 children, SUPRISE…I arrive.

I am one of gods very blessed creatures,
To have grown up with 4 amazing teachers.

While I have been told I have my mother’s heart of gold,
I have also been told I am equally as bold.

Unlike my father I am not often quiet,
In fact I definitely enjoy a good riot!

For 12 amazing months I travelled the earth,
Gained exposure that helped me experience a re-birth.

I developed a passion I never thought I could,
I am now a director for a company called Starwood.

I spend several dollars and several moons,
Enjoying another passion – live tunes.

My pup Luka is my largest distraction,
I love him more than you could possibly imagine.

I look forward to spending time with you all,
I have no doubt we will have a ball.

Pardhan the Interruption!

This week's post is brought to you by some of our newest members of the reunion!  So happy to announce that the Mahedi Pardhan family and Shanaz Vellani are joining us for this epic occasion!

We are the Pardhans! Mahedi (my dad) is brother to Fatmabai, Natasha’s maternal grandmother (Nanima).Our unit is comprised of him, my mom, Farida, my cousin/aunt Shanaz along with me, Anar.

We live in Toronto and bring a variety of experiences, stories, journeys, etc. with us, many of which involve many more of the people who are going to be here with us in Playa del Carmen.  For example, the Romanian wedding many of you must have heard about was my “baby” cousin Aly’s nuptials. We had an incredible time for the duration of that trip and it’s something our family holds very dear (especially with a baby Pardhan on the way over there now!).

Our foursome has some extensive travel mileage between us and is looking forward to sharing and comparing travel notes, so come one, come all and enjoy a conversation or 2 as we enjoy the wonderful beaches and resort Natasha has made available to us.

And as for me, you might recognize my hair from various hair commercials I am in. Maybe I'm born with it, maybe it's Pantene Pro V.

Til then!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Who's the Boss?

Today's post is brought to you by the Lins.  They need little introduction, but I will add that the two little munchkins that they are bringing will be a highlight of the trip!  And we are never short of laughs when we hang out with this family :) See you at the beach! 

Let me introduce the Lins.  There's Salima (the "boss"), Spencer (the "other boss" he thinks....), Sophia (the princess) and Courtney (the "boy" I never had).  And you guessed right, it's me, Salima, writing this.  I asked Spencer about 20 times...maybe 25 times... and figured if I didn't do it, Natasha would somehow stick us in a hotel room next to the elevator or laundry machine!  

So, let me give you a brief summary of the four of us.

Let me start with my husband, who I refer to as "baby"...Spencer. He's a Chinese-born American.  But unlike the Chinese, he's a good fact, so impatient with incompetent drivers that I have to he really Chinese??  My girls are in a Chinese immersion program at school and I actually think I am learning and know more Chinese than Spencer does!!  Spencer loves clothes and actually has more shoes then me.  So, if you decide to wear something that doesn't match or wear a fabric that is not appropriate for summer, you bet Spencer will notice!!  And I will hear about it in the hotel room :>.  Spencer is a great father (when he's not on his ipad), incredibly smart (went to Princeton, graduated as a Chemical Engineer...and then to Kellogg for his MBA), and is a HUGE sports fan - - Loves Carolina basketball, Vikings football, and the Blackhawks.  And if you are a Lions fan, or a Kentucky basketball fan, steer clear of Spencer!!

Let me now talk about what I care most about in the world, my girls.  

Sophia is the ultimate "girl's girl".  It's interesting because she really reminds me of all my sisters.  She has an uncanny resemblance with my sister Shaida.  Both have beautiful olive skin, always smiling and so goofy.  In fact, if you knew Shaida's Sophia as a toddler, she and my Sophia look like sisters.  Like my sister Nevin, Sophia can be "preachy".  She loves to teach, to demonstrate a better way of doing things and is so organized.  Just the other day, Courtney was having a meltdown.  Sophia said to her "Courtney, just breathe, and count slowly to 10".  She then proceeds to count for Courtney...1...2....3...4....5.  By 5, Courtney's screams get louder, and so Sophia says "This isn't working.  Let me put soothing music on for you".  Seriously, doesn't that sound like Nevin!!  And like my sister Nadia, she has a heart of gold!  A fantastic swimmer...just check out her "guns"... she was the only 8 year old in Illinois who made Swimming Regionals for the 10 and under category in an individual event this last February.

Then there's Courtney.  You will never meet anyone with such a big personality!  She is very competitive, loves soccer  (the next "Messi") , and like my brother Imtiaz, thinks she's always right! Hah!  She is incredibly witty and like my nephew Kareem Pirani, comes up with the funniest and completely false comebacks.  You have to shake your head and ask - - is she really 8??!!  So, if there is a crash of dishes all of a sudden by the pool, you'll see me hiding, because Courtney will most likely be in the middle of it saying "i didn't do it...the dishes just fell all by themselves"

It's amazing how difficult it is for me to talk about myself.  Most people would tell you that it should be really easy to talk about myself.  But there's so much to say....seriously, there is :>  I love milk chocolate...have to have one a day.  I can never eat enough cheese, but it must be cheddar.  I love products for the skin - - obsessed with them.  I also love work-out clothing....I could open my own store.  I am passionate about learning and education...I get that from my mom's devotion to me getting the best out of education... and I hope to instill that same passion for learning with my daughters. 

Let me not forget our Samy dog.  We love him soo much and unfortunately you won't see him. I often think he's a human in a dog's body.  He has such an amazing range of emotions.  He is really the king of this household....plays and sleeps all day, gets home-cooked meals every day, get a head and tummy massage before going to sleep!!

So, I will end by saying we are really looking forward to Mexico and meeting all of you.  Thank-you Natasha for organizing this - - I know I could never have the patience to do this.  You will not see me doing YOGA on the will see me sipping Pina Coladas with Nadia at the pool...and occasionally sneaking a few Pina Coladas "veiled as a soft drink" for my mom!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Everyone's Nani and Nanabapa!

This post is from our Nanima and Nanabapa - also known as the Don & Nanabapa :) They are my (Natasha) mother's (Shaida) parents.  


Oh Boy are we excited - hope you are too! My name is Fatma (but please, call me Nanima) and this is my husband Nizar. We are the maternal grandmother and grandfather to Natasha. I have five children and ten grandchildren and occasionally it’s difficult to remember all their names! (though I love them all the same).

Born and raised in East Africa we are both naturally comfortable in tropical environments so please note that we can be found on the beach, cosmopolitan in hand. We are looking forward to spending time with our growing family and catching up with new friends. 

To tell you a little bit about myself; I’m considered a little bit of a fashionista as my original passion was in clothing - I started my working career as a tailor. My friends know me to scout out all the best shops at Oakridge Mall,  Main Street for suits and saris and my pants are always pressed and proper. After having so many children (it’s a lot of work) it became easier to care for them from home in Toronto and I managed to set myself up as a caregiver for many in and outside of our Ismaili community. I continued my profession even after coming to live in Vancouver. I’m pretty much Nani to everyone you kids (all my grandchildren's friends) know now. Beat that! 

I have always enjoyed traveling and prior to my retirement used to take month-long vacations exploring different parts of the world with my globe-trotting family & friends; we’ve been on camel rides, roller coasters and yachts galore! Alongside these passions is, cooking which I learnt from my ex-mother-in-law and really enjoying the art of creating fine foods. I have gathered a following of family, friends, and strangers who request dishes and beg for seconds. Naturally I love to feed people, if you’ve ever entered my home you would know how difficult it is to leave without eating first.

My husband is a quiet man; he uses not as many words as grunts but always manages to get the message across. He loves to meet new people, but also enjoys time alone relaxing and watching TV (mostly sleeping). A master with a machete, you may find him putting the bartenders to shame extracting fresh coconut juice. His skill is derived from early days as a hunter (hobby) in East Africa and being a butcher in Kenya and then later in Canada (and the finest BBQ artist we know!). He has amazing stories to share about his early days tracking lions and elephants and can talk conventional sports if that’s your thing instead! 

Although our days are a little quieter now, we look forward to opportunities like this (Thank you Natasha & Mukund!) to spend quality time with our amazing extended family and friends. Only a few more weeks to go!

Fatma and Nizar Karmali

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Meet you at the Regency!

This post is brought to you by our ever-loving grandmother!  You'll always hear her contagious laughter and see that smile on her face.  She is always happy to spend time, share stories, and cook you a great meal!  If you don't already know what the Regency is, be sure to ask her!

YAM and Hello All,

I am Malek Meghji, Natasha’s Grandmother. Currently residing in London, England, I am here to share a little about myself today; though not too much as what would we have to talk about on the beach if I told you everything now?

As mentioned, I am Natasha’s paternal grandmother, Inayat’s mother. Though currently located in London, my life has taken me on a whirlwind tour of the Globe, starting in East Africa (Uganda and Tanzania), then England, then Canada, and now back in England, all in search of fulfilling dreams. Besides living in many places, I have also been fortunate to be well traveled, and believe that I have visited more cities and countries than likely either my son or his daughter have!
Maybe we can all compare notes over a game of cards in Mexico?

I am exceedingly excited about this trip, the opportunities to spend time with family and friends are always appreciated. That being said, I am always happy to chat in London as well, swing by the Regency and mention my name or give me a call in advance and perhaps we can meet and eat.

See you all soon!